
Showing posts from August, 2010

A Chicken Made of Rubber

Well, hello world. How've you been? You're probably wondering what have I been up to these past few weeks? If you're not wondering then...why are you reading my blog?? I just closed a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat . I have to admit, I really wasn't excited about the show when I auditioned for it, and initially when I was cast and the rehearsals got underway, I dreaded going. I didn't really fit in because I was in a different age group than most of the others, but eventually I started to let my quirks run free and I started to fit in and make friends. Get this y'all - one of the girls is named Molly. Not only does she share my name, but she also eerily as obsessed with flamingos as I am...what are the odds? And what's weirder (but maybe not as weird as the flamingos thing) is that her middle name is very similar to mine. Plus she's just a hoot to be around. The show was really fun. If I wasn't onstage, I was backstage cha