
Showing posts from March, 2013

We. Want. Attention.

These thoughts are fresh in my mind and I need to write them down before they evaporate. Very recently I've been thinking about how social media has affected us as a whole, and myself personally. We post things that we hope people will notice. We live for how many "likes" that over-share of a status we posted will get, or how many people will Retweet that witty, completely original post about Jennifer Lawrence's tumble at the Oscars, or your super funny joke about the blackout at the Superbowl. Surely, no one else's post was as original as yours. There are even pages entirely dedicated to do nothing but post pictures for no apparent reason with the caption, "How many likes for this poor woman suffering from menstrual cramps? 1 Like = 1 Prayer."  Come on, people. We want people to like us. To notice us. We. Want. Attention. That's all social media is, really. Your Facebook timeline is one giant plea to your friends to notice you. You don&#